

ANHI Community

Register to join our community of thousands of healthcare professionals who appreciate reliable, high-quality nutrition science resources and education.

You’ll receive:

  • Free continuing education courses
  • Exclusive access to our monthly newsletter
  • Printable materials, podcasts, short videos and articles

Professional Information

Note: Please use your professional details to populate the form fields below.

Password must contain at least one letter, number, one special character from this set (@$!%*#?&^()_-+=), and be at least eight characters in length.

Hospital Based

Are you located in the US?

If you’re located outside the US, select "no." If you can’t find your hospital in the list, please select "no" and continue with your registration.


Professional Information

Note: The professional designation you select will determine the certificate type you’ll receive when you complete an ANHI continuing education program.

Primary patient population

Please select at least one option.

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