Event Flyer

  • Event Flyer-Caring for Families and Self
    Comprehensive Care of the Neonate: Nutrition, Substance Exposure and Skin Care 2024
    Presented by Sharon Groh-Wargo, PhD, RD & Terrie Lockridge, MSN, RNC-NIC, C-ELBW
Sharon Groh-Wargo

Sharon Groh-Wargo, PhD, RD

Sharon Groh-Wargo PhD, RDN is Professor, Nutrition and Pediatrics, at Case Western Reserve University School of Medicine in Cleveland, Ohio.

Dr. Groh-Wargo has over 40 years of experience as a neonatal dietitian, is a nationally known speaker and researcher, and has authored numerous publications on neonatal nutrition. She is a contributor to all three editions of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics’ Pocket Guide to Neonatal Nutrition and authored a chapter on “Lactoengineering” for the 3rd edition of “Infant and Pediatric Feedings: Guidelines for Preparation of Human Milk and Formula in Health Care Facilities”. She participates in the BEGIN Project – Breastmilk Ecology: Genesis of Infant Nutrition, sponsored by the NIH in cooperation with the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, which was convened to investigate human milk as a unique biological system. Dr. Groh-Wargo received the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics’ Medallion Award in recognition of her professional contributions.

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Terrie Lockridge, MSN, RNC-NIC, C-ELBW

Terrie is a neonatal clinical nurse specialist with many years of professional practice devoted to supporting newborns at risk.  She has experience in many different aspects of neonatal critical care, including ECMO, post-operative cardiac care, neuroprotection, transport, delivery room resuscitation, and stabilization. Terrie is a member of the National Association of Neonatal Nurses (NANN), the Academy of Neonatal Nurses (ANN) and past president of the Pacific NW Association of Neonatal Nurses (PNANN).  She has been a STABLE Program and Neonatal Resuscitation Program (NRP) Instructor since the start of both curriculums. Terrie is an accomplished author, having contributed to peer reviewed journals and textbook chapters.  She is a recipient of the DAISY Award for Extraordinary Nurses.  Terrie currently works as a NICU nurse at a Seattle tertiary center with nearly 10,000 births yearly, and she brings a practical approach to her educational offerings that combines pragmatic clinical information with the latest in evidence-based practice.


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