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Mary Pat Turon-Findley RD, MED, CMHIMP, LDMS, LD

Registered Dietitian III Behavioral Health
Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center
Cincinnati, OH, USA

Mary is currently employed at the Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center. She attained her B.S. in Nutrition from Miami University and a Masters of Nutrition from the University of Cincinnati. Mary has worked for nearly 35 years in mental health and disordered eating throughout inpatient, outpatient, residential, and partial-day hospitalization settings. She has chaired both the IC Ethics Committee and Publications Committee for ASPEN. Mary has worked on the Core Curriculum chapter on Eating Disorders. She has presented at multiple ASPEN conferences on topics including ethics, pediatrics, mental health, disordered eating, and Munchausen syndrome by proxy. In addition, she has presented on pediatric disordered eating and ethics for AND, ARAND, and CASPEN.


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