Duke University Video Series

A free selection of courses from the Duke Online Clinical Nutrition Course and Fellowship, in collaboration with the Morpheus Consortium. Visit the Duke Online Clinical Nutrition Course and Fellowship to learn more and register: https://anesthesiology.duke.edu/clinical-nutrition-course


The Physician’s Evaluation of the Patient with Malnutrition

This is a head-to-toe approach beginning with a history to collect information on weight loss, symptoms of body mass declination, food intake, maldigestion/malabsorption, and micronutrient deficiency.

Update on Micronutrient Deficiencies in the Critically Ill Patient

​​Detailed information about individual micronutrient uses specifically in hospitalized adult patients receiving nutrition therapy.​

The Role of Microbiome and Probiotics in Health and Disease

In this unit, we will discuss the importance of the rapidly growing role and understanding of the microbiome in health and disease.

Perioperative Nutrition: We Can and Must Do Better!

In this unit, we will discuss the importance of perioperative nutrition care in improving surgical outcomes.


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