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Malcolm William, MD

Professor of Pediatrics, School of Medicine​
Clinical Professor, School of Nursing​
Duke University​
Durham, NC, USA

Dr. Bill Malcolm is an Associate Professor of Pediatrics and the Director of Intermediate Level Nurseries, as well as Assistant Director of the Special Infant Care High-Risk Follow-up Clinic at Duke University Medical Center in Durham, NC. He received his medical degree from the University of Minnesota School of Medicine and completed his residency in pediatrics at Duke University Medical Center. Dr. Malcolm’s clinical and research focuses are on improving outcomes for convalescing high-risk infants. He has particular interests in gastroesophageal reflux and feeding problems associated with preterm birth but has developed a recent interest in neonatal abstinence syndrome. He has conducted NIH-funded research in these areas and has collaborated with several institutions in multi-center studies with regards to these research interests.

He has authored several publications in peer reviewed medical journals, has written multiple book chapters and is editor of "Beyond the NICU"- a handbook for post-discharge care of the high-risk infant. He is a member of the American Academy of Pediatrics, North Carolina Pediatric Society, and Society for Pediatric Research.


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